Friday 5 April 2013

Blind Date with a Book

During the month of February the SCA library "set up" a few students with dates - with a book that is! 
A collection of fiction and popular non fiction titles and subjects were chosen as potential dates.  These books or "dates" were wrapped in plain brown paper and a brief description was attached to the book to give a hint as to what the book was about.   The books were on display in the library for the month and several students participated. Students who checked out a "date" were given a "rate your date" slip on which they could state if they liked the book and would they read another book by the same author. When the students returned their book the "rate a date" slip was entered in a draw for a $15 gift card to Chapters.
Katelyn Halkeyard in grade 11 was the winner. Congratulations and thanks to the students who participated   - hope you discovered a new author, or genre or just had a "good read"!

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